Dear Editor
In an aim to address the plight of the many community members who still have not been receiving the adequate services which they deserve,we are now going to embark on a new venture which starts in ward 52.This venture forms part of the War on Poverty Campaign(WOPC) and aims to reach more people in a short space of time eradicating delays in service delivery. Although government departments have many anti poverty programmes,there have been no evaluation measures implemented to assess the effectiveness or success of these programmes. The approach which will be taken is to profile community members and households in order to determine which services people are in desperate need of and have not been receiving. The relevant agents will then be notified in order to evaluate these needs before they are adequately addressed. In order to ensure a smooth sailing campaign,stake holders such as local municipal representatives like myself,religious leaders and social formations (to name a few)will be part of the body liaising with community members to address their needs. Door to door visits will be made to members of the community which will be beneficial to those who cannot leave their homes due to ill health or those who cannot even afford public transport. I would like to request that community members of ward 52, interact with these stake holders and cadres as this will in turn ensure that your needs will be considered/fulfilled. As the Ward Councillor for ward 52 I urge all of you to take full advantage of this opportunity to voice your concerns. Those members of the community who wish to come forth to discuss their needs with me are welcome to do so.
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