From: Bradley Singh <>
Date: Tue, Oct 25, 2011 at 9:40 PM
Subject: debate for notice of motion
Honorable Speaker,His Worship the Mayor, Madam Deputy Mayor.
In April 2008 at a full council meeting a resolution was passed were, by Water Fixed Charges for Properties with a Municipal Value below R 190 000 Rand, would not be charged Water Fixed Charges and this was to be Implemented on the 1st July 2008, However Mr Speaker unfortunately this Municipality did not adhere to this policy and continued to charge the poor people off this Municipality.
It is a Shame that year after year from 2008 to 2011 this Municipality would say that they are Pro Poor and the Mayor will say in his Budget speech, that they do not charge Water fixed charges to properties with a Municipal Value off R190 000 and below Mr Speaker this Municipality must do business in the the light of day and be acoountable to the rate payers for a few officals including the city manager did not do their jobs that is why this motion is before this council today.
This Council can today change the lives off Thousands off households by giving them back what, they should have not been charged for Since July 2008.
This is daylight Robbery on poor people who do not understand council policies, yet the City Manager and is team get paid to implement council policies, failed to do their jobs and failed the Citzens off this City.
Mr Speaker the Right thing to do is investigate this motion, give poor people a chance to have a rebate for been incorrectly charge a fee which according to council policy they should have not paid from 1 July 2008.
I thank You